Enterprise Master Patient Index (EMPI) in Healthcare

Our EMPI identifies duplicate patient records, collects vital patient demographic data, and increases your data integrity in your healthcare organization.

patient registration software

Enterprise Master Patient Index (EMPI) in Healthcare

Our EMPI identifies duplicate patient records, collects vital patient demographic data, and increases your data integrity in your healthcare organization.

patient registration software

EMPI in Healthcare Experts

It’s not easy to understand the blend of patient, physician, consumer and payer information that big data in healthcare is comprised of, but leveraging its value creates a holistic, 360-degree view that can have significant impact on the bottom line.

By utilizing healthcare interoperability to connect patient health records with multiple third-party sources of information to create one accurate master patient index, it’s suddenly possible to analyze decades of information accurately, and make actionable insights that pull maximum profit out of the new value-based care environment.

Big data in healthcare is a whole new world, and as the industry’s most experienced patient data experts, we help you make sense of it.

From accessing an accurate master patient data index (MPI) to seeing patterns, opportunities and gaps that need attention, to optimizing growth by improving personalized care that meets payer value-based requirements – 4medica helps you transform challenges into opportunities with our healthcare data management solutions.

Meet your perfect match for compiling and analyzing big data in healthcare. The 4medica EMPI is fast, accurate and brought to you by the industry’s most experienced patient data experts.

Why is 4medica a leading expert at solving the challenges of EMPI in healthcare?

From our original cloud-based clinical management platform that solved clinical interoperability issues to the big data management services and products that make clean data collection and analysis possible, we understand the big data environment in healthcare.

We’ve been a market leader helping define data success from its earliest inception.

As the industry has shifted from paper to digital, we’ve seen the volume of data explode and offer smart solutions for collecting, analyzing and applying knowledge from the patterns it reveals. Eliminating duplicate patient records to less than one percent and consolidating them under one unique patient record with the correct demographics. 4medica provides a full data management service offering that handle reviewing and merging of potential duplicates.

We know the data challenges and we have the people, process, and technology to solve them. Schedule a conversation today to learn how we might help!

What Makes 4medica EMPI Different?

The 4medica enterprise master patient index allows healthcare organizations to master data elements and achieve a functional health information exchange.

Uniquely Scalable

Designed to handle an extensive array of patient identities without limitations, the 4medica Big Data MPI offers an optimal solution for Health Information Exchanges (HIEs), expansive hospital networks, as well as local and countrywide initiatives focused on seamless data sharing. Moreover, its cost structure, based on usage, ensures affordability even for smaller establishments.

Unprecedented Accuracy

Fueled by our advanced Big Data Referential Identity Engine, our patient matching innovation scrutinizes information including historical data like college addresses and medical records spanning decades. This meticulous approach guarantees accurate association of patients with their corresponding records. Notably, no other provider extends their matching capabilities to the same extensive historical data as we do.


Rest assured, the added performance doesn’t translate into the need for additional hardware or expenses. The 4medica Big Data MPI™ operates on a cloud-based platform, ensuring swift and seamless deployment. Within a matter of weeks, rather than months, you’ll have the system up and operational.

Why 4medica?

Patient matching
success rate
0 %
Improvement over
0 x
Duplication rate
< 100 %
“Now providers have access to health records regardless of where the patient receives care. It brings a full spectrum picture to patient care and enables us to look at whole-person care ─ the right care, at the right time, in the right place."
Prudence Vincent, BSN, R.N.
Director of IHDE Customer Operations and Engagement

See how 4medica and the Idaho Health Data Exchange (IHDE) used patient-matching to improve access and create a stakeholder-oriented ecosystem.

Talk With An Expert About EMPI

We’re always on call to help improve your organization’s health data quality. We look forward to speaking with you!

Organizing Healthcare Data

Big data in healthcare is a whole new world, and as the industry’s most experienced patient data experts, we help make sense of it.

  • Access an accurate master patient index (MPI) to see patterns, opportunities and gaps
  • Optimize growth by improving data for personalized care that meets payer value-based requirements

Our healthcare data management solutions transform data quality challenges into opportunities

Holistic Patient Data

It’s not easy to understand the blend of patient, physician, consumer and payer information that big data in healthcare consists of. However, leveraging its value creates a holistic, 360-degree view that has significant impact on the bottom line.

Interoperability Solutions

By utilizing healthcare interoperability to connect patient data with multiple third-party sources of information healthcare organizations are able to create one accurate master patient index. 4medica makes it possible to analyze decades of information accurately, and make actionable insights that pull maximum profit out of the new value-based care environment.

The 4medica Data Quality Platform

Utilizing the industry’s most technologically advanced MPI process, 4medica has revolutionized how HIEs & HINs can analyze and implement big data. Our 4-layer approach simplifies implementation and guarantees dramatic success of <1% patient duplication.

Referential Data Matching

Did you know 4medica does more than matching demographic data to a comprehensive and continuously updated reference database of identities instead of just comparing one record to another? We take referential data matching to the next level by incorporating Inverse Index technology pioneered by search engines and layers on modern non-SQL databases to further enhance simplifying the process. to ensure data integrity. Eliminate your duplicate medical records in milliseconds at a fraction of the cost.

Data Enrichment

Your initiatives are only as good as your master data management. The 4medica Big Data Identity Enrichment™ software makes your patient data more useful by connecting with multiple third-party sources to provide richer, more detailed information using current referential information coupled with historic demographic and geographic data that goes back decades. We easily match records in real time for powerfully accurate master patient data in seconds.

Data Enrichment

Your initiatives are only as good as your data. The 4medica Big Data Identity Enrichment™ software makes your patient data more useful by connecting with multiple third-party sources to provide richer, more detailed information using current referential information coupled with historic demographic and geographic data that goes back decades. We easily match records in real time for powerfully accurate master patient data in seconds.

Data Assessment and Clean-up

For the initial assessment, we will load and score your data using the 4medica EMPI, which analyzes data quality to identify your real duplication rate. Then you’ll receive a report that outlines a phased-in approach to clean all data in your MPI. This report is yours to keep, whether or not you decide to have 4medica assist in cleansing your data to remove duplicates, or any of our ongoing MPI maintenance services.

Only 4medica offers a MPI clean-up service that guarantees a 1% duplication rate using its revolutionary and proven combination of MPI matching technology with automated intelligence and proprietary processes. Its skilled staff of data scientists provide data stewardship services foundational for data integrity.

Data Intelligence and Analytics

Uncover information including patterns, correlations and trends that can help you better inform business decisions. Dashboards allow insight into various metrics including all identities, master records, number of duplicates, number on the worklist, weekly manual merging and daily data source auto merging.

Data Intelligence and Analytics

Uncover information including patterns, correlations and trends that can help you better inform business decisions. Dashboards allow insight into various metrics including all identities, master records, number of duplicates, number on the worklist, weekly manual merging and daily data source auto merging.

Virtual Data Stewards

Instead of hiring people onsite to validate information, our consultants regularly verify client data using best practices for scoring and can easily manage your work lists. We offer this data management service in a one-time engagement or on an ongoing basis to get your duplications down to zero.

Address Normalization

With the high volume of patients seen on a daily basis by healthcare providers, speedy and accurate data collection is essential. When patient records are cleansed and scrubbed with the right mailing or e-mail addresses, organizations will reduce the amount of returned mail and improve the timeliness of appointment reminders and other critical communications such as billing.

Address Normalization

With the high volume of patients seen on a daily basis by healthcare providers, speedy and accurate data collection is essential. When patient records are cleansed and scrubbed with the right mailing or e-mail addresses, organizations will reduce the amount of returned mail and improve the timeliness of appointment reminders and other critical communications such as billing.

FAQs about 4medica's Master Patient Index

Quality patient data equates to increased patient safety. This means a master patient index needs to function flawlessly, and it’s right to have questions when investigating new software. Ask away; we’re here to help.

4medica uses an innovative 4-layer process to reach 99% identity matching for healthcare patients. 

Layer 1: Big Data MPI

We use groundbreaking EMPI technology compared to legacy SQL technology.

Layer 2: A.I./Machine Learning Prediction

The 4medica AI Robo-Steward™ reduces work of the data stewardship team, produces error correction, and improves EMPI scoring weights.

Layer 3: Referential Matching/Data Enrichment

We apply the best data sources available to further reduce duplication. Unlike competitors, we offer referential matching and data enrichment services and the acquired data is retained by customer.

Layer 4: Comprehensive Data Analysis

Our data management team resolves final duplicate candidates, checks for false positives (overlays), and re-runs layers 1-3 until the duplication rate is 1%.

4medica has transformed the data management process by utilizing the most advanced MPI technology and services available. Our distinctive 4-layer approach simplifies implementation and ensures that the rate of patient duplication is 1%. We implement machine learning and artificial intelligence on our cloud-based platform along with comprehensive data analysis by our team to ensure accurate data quality.

We build system architecture with interoperability in mind. Connect seamlessly, quickly, and affordably to key systems. Our platform is engineered to integrate with any workflow, interface or published API. 4medica provides immediate access to information needed to support a patient population, no matter how big or small.